Green Antarctica
Exploring Antarctica #Green Antarctica Just listening to the word Antarctica, the first and foremost picture that strikes in our mind is of a place which is covered with white sheets of glaciers, giant icebergs and chunks of white snow wrapped stretch of land with the cutest Penguins roaming all around. But, with a great grief and disappointment, “SJ Ideas” would like to convey a message to all our beloved readers that the picture is no more the same in reality. So, have patience and go through the blog to know in details about “ Green Antarctica ” Land Antarctica Antarctica is the Southernmost Continent of Earth situated at the South Pole of the Globe in the Antarctic Region. Antarctica is the coldest, driest, windiest and the fifth largest continent with nearly twice the size of Australia. About 98% of the landmass is covered with ice and it is a Polar Desert as there has been no precipitation for almost 2million years. The whole continent is divided into two regi...